Sunday, September 7, 2008

Less Electricity Means Less Coal | Oil | + Bad Crap


September 7, 2008
The basis of solar power in my experimental case is this: why would we need to conserve electricity? Well now that I know I’ll share it. Electricity is produced via coal or oil, both of which produce many toxic chemicals that deplete our environment, (Beck). The idea with making anything sustainable is to not emit anything harmful into the environment, waste no resources, and recycle any resources used. With this in mind the goal for solar power in my experiment is to create battery power from the sun. This will save electricity because rechargeable batteries, one step in the right direction, need to be recharged using electricity. I want to use less of it dammit! Therefore, the experiment in progress is to deplete my purchased rechargeable batteries, and attempt to recharge them using a small solar panel containing a positive and negative wire.
What this has the potential to do is give me a model to demonstrate the power of this practice on a much larger scale. This scale could then be put into use for the developing sustainability practices of the continent I am studying; Africa (sub-Saharan).

Beck, Kristen Brooke. “Conserving Electricity”. Kristen’s Guide. Oct. 20, 2004. Tripod. September 7, 2008.

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