Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Next 60 Years | Advertising | Entertaining our Actual Space

What will advertising be in the future…

It will be pure entertainment. That is where it’s been heading for the last decade, and now we’re finally practicing that seriously. People don’t want to interrupt what they’ve decided they like, unless it’s equally or more entertaining than what they’re doing.

Youthful college grads with a new, nice budget don’t watch T.V, or rarely. Maybe they want a promotional Wii that is uploaded with movie-mercials that are entertaining movie versions of commercials that would be generated for THEIR favorite cars or products. Perhaps people don’t want Mcdonald’s in their face unless McDonald’s is using the city landscape as a message.
“Alright McDonald’s, I’ll look and buy if you promise to turn my train ride home into a giant straw zooming through a cup-bridge.”

Now that’s entertainment, and a message. But perhaps the future will hold these aspects in principle with causes that matter to the next generation. Sure you can put a billboard up, but it better be made of only materials that grow the environment around me, and are not wasteful.
“Yeah, in fact I only want outdoor advertising made of real grass that grows to make the message and then feeds the natural surroundings when the message is finished.”

Why not? If you want to send a message to people that have a main concern with making the place they live in better, you better think about that in every idea or execution you make. The point is that Advertising will become completely creative to the ideas that people are thinking, not interrupting them, but adding to them in a very imaginative way.

-Entertain them
-Make their environment a better place (Any environment digital, real, or otherwise)
-Be purposeful to the point of taking a smart idea, and encouraging people to think too.

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