Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Final Commitment

Final Commitment

I’m committing to finding a place in this sustainable system. My career choices are just so damn contradicting. I love to write about everything that needs a personality. To come up with the ideas that power it, give it a new image, and give it a future. This can be anything powerful, it just has to move people and move myself to mean anything to me. On the other hand I love simple, natural things as well, and can’t understand why they aren’t represented in a way that makes more people feel personally connected with them. I suppose all this rambling really gets down to why things that sustain and redevelop the environment can’t be seen as a personality rather than a forced cause. I spent so much time not seeking out knowledge of sustainability because I have such an interest in objects that are seen as destructive to the environment. Why can’t they be combined?

I’m committing to combining these 2, because now it feels just weird to see them as separate. Both areas are so important to creating powerful ideas that move people that aren’t convinced of our current situation.

After discussing Denmark and its more than different lifestyle, it was apparent that the group of people we need to be talking to are those in the American culture that bend their lives around the assembled nostalgia of our excessive lifestyle. Why wouldn’t they, when there is nothing in their faces that convinces them of the dire situation, and there is no common practice that makes it a reality? There needs to be an element of everyday life for everyone that constantly reminds what life has really become. I’m committing to living this way myself, no matter where it is.

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